For us, the appearance that our customers get from us first is very important. In most cases, this is our offer, which they receive first. In our opinion, Projo's offering could still be improved.
As an example, we have included an offer from Projo and one from Kobold Control to the same project. The following suggestions:
• The sum on the first or last page, but highlighted as the total (in gross and net), would be useful.
• Only 1 page would be useful per cost group, i.e. no page breaks in different places.
• Why do the cost groups come twice, sometimes with the same information? Wouldn't it be better to conclude a detailed calculation according to HOAI and just a summary above? After all, duplications must also be controlled.
• The attachments in particular are rather inflexible and are sometimes output on 2 pages, although one page would easily be possible.
• In addition, many tab stops or column widths do not match. It doesn't look good that way, of course. Here it would be useful if you could still work on the formatting, better yet, it's right away.
In the layout settings, we unfortunately only found the option to change the column widths when working hours, but not for the other attachments in portrait mode.