Missing hourly rate on PDF timesheet
le Coutre, Luca
Please insert the hourly rate in a column in the PDF timesheet, preferably before the total.
So number of hours x hourly rate = sum
It is otherwise very cumbersome for the client to understand the amounts displayed, as there can of course be different hourly rates.
And no, we can't use the time journal because we have to have the time sheets checked weekly by one of our clients.
Thank you
Benedikt Voigt
The wrong position error should now be corrected
le Coutre, Luca
Benedikt Voigt Hi Benedikt, everything fits! Thank you
There's just one more thing left. With “Timelist (without amounts), the billing rate is also displayed. But there shouldn't really be any euro amounts on it. Or?
Benedikt Voigt
le Coutre, Luca: Ah, good point & sorry! Will be corrected.
le Coutre, Luca
Benedikt Voigt thanks. If that's fixed, then it'll be marked here right?
Benedikt Voigt
le Coutre, Luca: Ah sorry, we had made the changes but haven't pushed them online yet. It should be online now. Can you take a look?
le Coutre, Luca
Benedikt Voigt thanks! Fits now!
Benedikt Voigt
le Coutre, Luca: Great, thanks for following up!
Benedikt Voigt
in progress
Benedikt Voigt
le Coutre, Luca
Benedikt Voigt First of all, thank you very much for the quick implementation. One more question: Is it correct that you can't sort the columns? So billing rate would be completely out of the box now, but it would be cooler if it comes after the number of hours and then the amount.
le Coutre, Luca
Oh so and a sum of the billing rate also reads funny, at least I think.
Benedikt Voigt
le Coutre, Luca: Oops, we didn't consider that, but of course it makes sense.
Benedikt Voigt
in progress
Benedikt Voigt
le Coutre, Luca Each office can set itself which columns and in which column width they want to display. You should be able to maintain the layout of the two lists in the settings. Doesn't that work?
le Coutre, Luca
Benedikt Voigt Can't I select the billing rate?
Benedikt Voigt
le Coutre, Luca yes, in your screenshot under “show more columns.”
le Coutre, Luca
Benedikt Voigt “Show more columns” is an informational text, not a clickable title.
le Coutre, Luca
Benedikt Voigt Billing record category is not billing rate. It's a text box, not a number.
Benedikt Voigt
le Coutre, Luca ah, I got it. That shouldn't be too complicated. Let's have a look.