No HOAI placeholder when adjusting the basic fee amount (HOAI calculator)
Arne Semmler
Arne Semmler
Böhm, Yannick: Hi Yannick. If you adjust the basic fee, Projo will now include the adjusted basic fee in the offer - is that in your interest? Or should Projo, in your opinion, also include the adjustment as such (i.e. the original basic fee, the difference and the adjusted basic fee) in the offer?
Böhm, Yannick
Arne Semmler, Hi Arne, including the adjusted basic fee in the offer is completely sufficient. In my opinion, it is not necessary to report the difference.
Arne Semmler
Böhm, Yannick In my opinion, it should now be sufficiently implemented according to your ideas. Can you verify that we didn't misunderstand anything? Thank you!
Böhm, Yannick
Arne Semmler hereby confirm. You can close the request.
Arne Semmler
Böhm, Yannick danke!