xInvoices (mandatory fields and explanatory text)
David Wurth
At the moment, not all mandatory fields that are absolutely necessary to generate the XInvoice are correctly marked in projo. In addition, the following statement with the current legislation should be available in the overview of the project in the XBilling section in order to avoid queries.
Screenshot: Amendments in pink with reference to the legislative text on the Accounting Ordinance - eRechV) dated October 13, 2017
Explanatory text:
Explanation: Here, projo follows the current legislation for the preparation of e-invoices. All mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk. Before that, it is not possible to generate the XInvoice within the invoice! In addition, all fields must be filled in, which the Sales Tax Act requires in accordance with 14 paragraph 4 and must contain every invoice.
All other fields are optional as far as legislation is concerned. These must be obtained from the client. If a field is missing, the XRechnung may be rejected.
Ordinance on Electronic Invoicing in Federal Public Procurement (E-Invoicing Ordinance -eRechV) of October 13, 2017
§ 5 Content of the electronic invoice
(1) In addition to the VAT invoice components, the electronic invoice must contain at least the following information:
- a route identification number,
- the bank details,
- the terms of payment and
the billing party's De-Mail address or email address.
(2) In addition to the information in accordance with paragraph 1, the electronic invoice shall contain the following information if this has already been sent to the biller when the order was placed:
- the supplier number,
- an order number.
(3) The requirements under paragraphs 1 and 2 do not apply to invoices issued in organ loan proceedings in accordance with Section 159 paragraph 1 number 5 of the Act Against Restraints of Competition.
What information must an invoice contain in accordance with Section 14 (4) UStG?
The Sales Tax Act specifies what information a legally compliant invoice must contain. This includes:
Full name and address of the supplier and invoice recipient
Tax identification number or sales tax identification number
Date of invoicing
Date of delivery or service
a sequential invoice number
Quantity, scope and description of goods or services
the total amount, broken down by tax rates and exemptions, including possible discounts & discounts
Armin Schmidt
Hello, as far as I understand, it is only necessary to provide a route ID (BT-10) in exchange with authorities (B2G); this information can be omitted for B2B invoices.